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Nurturing minds and bodies
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Nurturing minds and bodies

Posted on 28 June 2023

At AccountAbility, we understand the importance of prioritising our physical and mental well-being. Last week, we celebrated our annual Wellness Week, a time dedicated to enhancing our overall health and fostering a stronger sense of connection within our Sydney and Melbourne offices. With a range of activities and workshops, this year's events left us feeling inspired and motivated to continue prioritising our well-being.


One of the highlights of Wellness Week was our Pot-luck lunch. Each person prepared a dish, bringing together a diverse array of flavours and cultures. As we indulged in delicious food, we engaged in meaningful conversations, deepening our connections with colleagues across different departments. Sharing a meal provided us with another opportunity to bond and foster a sense of community.


We were fortunate enough to have the expertise of our Clinical Nutritionist, in one-on-one consultations; our team members received personalised advice and guidance on their nutrition and dietary needs. The opportunity to have focused discussions with a professional helped us gain valuable insights into how we can optimise our physical health through proper nutrition.


To invigorate our bodies and promote physical well-being, both offices attended a group Reformer Pilates class at Virgin Active. Together, we challenged ourselves, pushing our limits, and embracing the discomfort that accompanies personal growth. The shared experience of working out as a group not only strengthened our bodies but also encouraged a sense of camaraderie.

Breaking barriers

One of the most impactful moments of Wellness Week was the mental health workshop facilitated by an outside positive mental health expert. This workshop encouraged open dialogue, breaking down barriers, and addressing the stigma surrounding mental health. While some of the information may not have been entirely new, the workshop created a safe space for anyone to share their experiences and thoughts on the subject. By bringing mental health to the forefront of our discussions, we aim to normalise conversations and support one another.

Supporting each other

The workshop left a lasting impression on our team members. We realised that supporting each other's mental health doesn't have to be complicated. It begins with observation, asking questions with empathy, and actively listening to one another. As recruiters, we pride ourselves on these skills, but when it comes to mental health, we sometimes fall short. However, Wellness Week reminded us of the importance of seeking out the vulnerable and providing a compassionate ear. The positive feedback we received after the session demonstrated the impact of creating a supportive environment.

Wellness Week at AccountAbility was a resounding success. Through shared meals, physical activity, and a focus on mental health, we deepened our connections and committed to supporting one another's well-being. The event emphasised that nurturing both our physical and mental health is crucial to achieving a fulfilling and balanced life. As we continue on our journey, we are committed to becoming even better at looking after each other, fostering a culture of support, understanding, and compassion. Together, we are creating a workplace where wellness thrives, enabling us to reach new heights of success.

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